Featured Client Testimonial

Every professional eventually hits a ceiling if they can’t use data-driven marketing. We can talk strategy all day, but if we don’t know how to get the numbers we MUST HAVE to make the decisions we CAN’T SCREW UP, it’s all hot air. Google Analytics, Tag Manager, Search Console: these aren’t nice-to-know tools for the modern day marketer. As my coach and trainer, Mitch Smiley was the man who took me from intimidated to intelligent. He knows everything; lets me ask unlimited questions; and teaches me to fish versus fishing for me. Mitch’s approach is patient, gentle, and encouraging. I can’t say enough good things about the catalyst he has been (and will be) for my marketing strategy… and my career.

Mike Monroe, Digital Strategy Manager, Vector Media


Client Reviews

“Mitch worked with us to set up a fairly complex tracking system to work with the Google AdWords and Analytics platforms. The setup was definitely a fun and challenging one as it involved tracking events on a single-page application, cross and sub-domain tracking, and a custom data layer integration. With the help of Mitch we were able to set things up the way we needed. He is a pleasure to work with and has a deep understanding of the intricacies of events and user tracking.” – Sam Stoddard, Co-Founder and CEO, SimpleCitizen 

“Mitch is smart, well organized, fast, helpful and a GA whiz. He’s a pleasure to work with.” – John McWeeny, COO and Co-founder, Smartshoot

“Mitch was a pleasure to work with. He has great work ethic, communication skills, and domain expertise in Google Analytics. I highly recommend hiring Mitch for all your Google Analytics work.” – Diran Yanikian, Owner at Dirango

“Mitchel was great. The analytics dashboard he set up has been very helpful to our business.” – Jake Jorgovan, gun.io

“Mitch is the man. He can be your go to guy for any analytics needs and more. Just ask. Super helpful, fast and reliable.” – Adam Hofmann, Smartshoot

“Perfect. Thanks for the help analysing and setting all the reports up for me. Cheers.”  Adam Leishman, Managing Director, PicturePerfect